Friday, 24 February 2012

Toronto CPIC March 2012 Newsletter




March 2012

The Toronto Catholic Parent Involvement Committee will be hosting mini summit meetings on Tuesday, April 24th.  CSACs and parents are encouraged to attend. The evening will consist of open dialogue and a learning component on how, as parents, we can continue to find ways to increase our children's academic success and well-being. Stay tuned for more information.

Want to learn more about Toronto CPIC? Consider attending a meeting.  All meetings are open to the public and listed at

The next CPIC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2012 at the Catholic Education Centre at
80 Sheppard Ave., East at 7:00 PM.

If you have any questions about the mini summits or CPIC in general, please contact your Ward Representative at or speak with your child’s CSAC representatives.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Science Event - Feb 26th U of T Campus - Free of Charge

Let’s Talk Science, a national non-profit organization,  will be offering a free afternoon of hands-on science activities for children (aged 6-12) and their parents on Sunday February 26 at the University of Toronto campus in downtown Toronto. 

Free Sunday Science with Let's Talk Science
Families with children ages 6 to 12 — join Let's Talk Science volunteers Sunday, February 26, in Toronto, to create your own Rube Goldberg machine! This afternoon event is free, in partnership with the Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science, and advanced registration is not required. For more information about Let’s Talk Science, please  
When: Sunday, February 26, 2012, 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. (doors open at 2:00pm)
Where: J.J.R. Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto  (Map: 1 King's College Circle, Toronto, Ontario)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Parent Tip Sheets Translated in Many Languages

Parent Tip Sheets are an effective way of providing parents with information and strategies on how to be engaged with their children and the school community.
Your attention is drawn to the following websites which provide a series of Tip Sheets for parents translated into fifteen different languages. Tip sheets range from literacy and numeracy to homework to sharing family stories.
Providing parents with Tips to help parents communicate with the teacher will assist in preparation for the Parent/Teacher conferences taking place next week.
Visit these websites!
Ontario Ministry of Education:
People for Education:

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Toronto CPIC Newsletter

February 2012

CPIC is continuously working to increase parent involvement in all TCDSB schools. Student academic achievement and well-being is directly linked to parent involvement. Parent involvement can occur at school by attending a CSAC meeting or volunteering with a snack programme, as well as, by reading together with your child/ren or helping with homework. You can also become involved by joining CPIC as a ward representative.
CPIC currently has one representative vacancy in each of the following Wards: Ward 2, Ward 4, Ward 9 and      Ward 12. If you are interested in becoming one of these CPIC Ward representatives, please email the Nominations Committee Chair Daniel Barrett at for more information.
The next CPIC meeting is 7pm-10pm, Thursday March 8th, 2012 at the TCDSB offices (CEC).
The CPIC committee wishes you a safe Family Day. This is an ideal opportunity to spend the day involved with your child/ren.
Want to learn more about Toronto CPIC? Consider attending a meeting.  All meetings are open to the public and listed at
If you have any questions, comments, concerns please contact your Ward Representative at or your child’s CSAC.

Toronto Catholic District School Board Winter Update 2012

Click here to view the Board's Winter Update.  This link will open a PDF file.